Well hello all!  It’s been a while since I’ve updated the family status in the blogging world.  Facebook is the rage nowadays and when you’re pressed for time, it’s like a one sentence blog, quick and easy.  I heard someone say, “blogging is so 2007”.  Ha! LOL.   Anyways, I’m going to attempt to give you the short and sweet summary of the last three months of our life.  Believe it or not, alot has been going on!

Bradley lost his first tooth a few weeks ago!  We were on the playground at Chic-fil-a and he literally lost it!  I just noticed it was gone and said, “Hey!  Bradley!  Where’s your tooth?!”  He didn’t even know it had come out!  We wrote the tooth fairy a note explaining what had happened and left it under his pillow.  She accepted the note in place of a tooth and left B $2!  Bradley is finishing up pre-k and will be graduating in a few weeks!  Hard to believe!  He also mastered riding a two wheel bike with no training wheels!  He just got on and took off!  My little boy is growing up so fast.   He knows all his letters and sounds and is reading small words.  I knowwith just a little instruction next year in kindergarten he will no doubt be reading by Christmas.

Caleb has said good-bye to sippy cups and is now drinking from big boy cups!  It was a rough two days when I first took them away.  I think he went into withdrawals like a drug addict!  He screamed and cried for his “ippy” cup, but then something clicked and he picked up the big boy cup and started drinking, and has been fine ever since.  We’ve also started potty training, but it could be a long process.  For two days we tried very intensely and he was frustrated, and I thought I was losing my mind, so we backed off.  Now he sits on the potty if he wants to, and if he refuses, then that’s ok with me too.  It’s there whenever he’s ready, but NO stressing allowed for either of us!  He’s talking up a storm and parrot’s everything we say.  He’s still struggling with constipation, and we’ve gone back to soy milk (again).  I have a feeling we may be visiting the doctor again soon about that issue.  That complicates potty training as well. 

Chris ran a half iron man triathalon in April.  He was amazing!  We’re talking a I don’t know how long swim, followed by a 5o-some mile bike ride and then a half marathon!  That’s a 13 mile run!  He did it all in the rain too!  It was a nasty day, but he did it!!  Then in March he did an Olympic distance triathalon, which is actually shorter than a half iron man.  This man is amazing!  We plan on doing one together in July here in town.  Chris works so hard to support our family.  Most evenings and late nights he’s responding to hundreds of emails that he’s received during the day when he’s on the road.  He took a well needed and deserved vacation week two weeks ago and just chilled out.  He spent several nights playing video games with his friends till 5 in the morning, but good for him!  He deserved it.  He’s taking another vacation week off this month too!  And now me and the kids will be here all day to keep him company!  Chris is the proud new owner of another hand gun too.  Happy Father’s Day!  Early!!!! 

I’m enjoying my summer vacation so far, even though it’s been so busy and hectic.  I’m taking two graduate courses this term, and they’re really fast paced, so I have to work on that sort of stuff alot.  I’ll do my internship this fall and be DONE and have a master’s degree in December.  Yeah!  What will I do with myself in the evenings now?  Huh?  Relax?  Read a book for pleasure?  What’s that??  I’ll be teaching kindergarteners at church beginning this month too.  It should be pretty fun, I’ll have a class of 5-6 kindergarten girls that I’ll move up with as they move up through the grade levels.  The idea is to build a relationship with the same group of girls.  My birthday is tomorrow.  I’ll be 33, which logically I KNOW is still very young, but this is the first year that I’ve ever felt like I’m starting to get kinda old.  Turning 30 was fine, 31, 32, no problem, but this year, I’m thinking…gosh I’m closer to 35.  Still young.  Still young.  Still young.   I had an eye doctor’s appointment today which reminded me of my increase in years as well.  My one good eye (still bad mind you, but better than the really bad one) got even worse and requires an even higher prescription.  That’s what happens as you get older said the doc.  Great.  I’m very thankful for my vision, that is can be corrected with contacts and glasses, and that my eyes are healthy, but I hope my kids get Chris’s eyes.  He’s so stinkin’ lucky.  He has eyes like an eagle. 

Well, there you go, three months in a nutshell!  I’ll try to keep you updated more often.