October 2009

…….you find yourself talking about poop with your spouse, family, and coworkers.  If you are squeemish about such topics, you might want to stop reading right now.  This was never the topic of my conversations before having children!!   But alas, now it is.  Caleb’s been battling some terrible constipation and we took him to the doctor again today.  It’s been six days since his last BM and I was starting to really worry about serious problems.  Constipation has been a problem in the past occasionally, but never really severe until a month or two ago.   What worries me is he’s been eating, and eating, and eating, and nothings coming out!  Last Friday he went to the doctor and she recommended Miralax.  He was on miralax for 3-4 days, then prunes, apple juice, pear juice, raisins, soppositories, you name it, anything and everything that people had recommended to me throughout the week.  And still nothing.  I can honestly say never before in my life did poo poo come up in my prayers, but the last few days I’ve been praying so much that Caleb would poop and not be in pain.  The last 3-4 times that he has pooped it has been extremely painful for him (and painful for me to watch!).  Even Bradley’s prayers the last few nights have been, “Dear God, please help Caleb get his poo poo out with out it hurting”. 

Last night Caleb was awake on and off throughout the entire night, just moaning and crying, “ma ma….ma ma…”.  You could look at him and tell he was trying to sleep, but something was hurting him and preventing him from sleeping restfully.  Thankfully, I was able to get an appointment, leave work early and get him to the doctor today.  We’re going to a new pediatrician too, but that’s another story. 

The doctor suggested a pediatric enema and I asked, “Do you do that here in the office?”  He informed me that no, I would be doing it at home.  Ahhhh!  This evening before “Nurse Lisa” performed the procedure, I was doing some more serious praying, “Dear God, please help him and I both get through this”.  God answered prayers and it really wasn’t that bad.  Caleb finally delivered his little care package (which wasn’t really all that little) shortly thereafter.  It still came with painfully screaming and his little legs shaking horribly though.  The doctor recommended Caleb continue taking (at a higher dosage) Miralax daily, and tomorrow he’s getting a teaspoon of milk of magnesia.  The doctor also suggested stopping his whole milk.  He can still have dairy products, as long as they’re with other foods and not in isolation. 

So in summary, here’s my mastercard commercial:

Copay to the doctor’s office = $25.00

Miralax = $11.99

Apple Juice = $2.99

Pear Juice = $2.99

Raisins = $2.29

Infant Suposotories = $2.49

Baby Prunes = $4.00

Infant Enemas = $5.58

Milk of Magnesia = $3.49

Having your baby do a really good poo poo after 6 days of nothing:  PRICELESS

I’m so thankful for the poo poo God provided, but I just feel that we’re not out of the woods yet.  If you’re reading this, please pray for Caleb, and Chris and me.  Pray that we can get Caleb’s little bowels regulated and that he won’t go another six days without poo-poo-ing.

Yesterday morning Caleb got a new pair of dress shoes to wear to church.  The experience of picking them out and trying them on must have really made an impression on him because he has barely taken them off in the past 36 hours!  When he got home from shopping he wanted to wear them all over the house, out to dinner last night (usually he wears his tennis shoes everywhere) and then he refused to go to bed without them.  When I take them off him he screams and cries, “Shoes!! Shoes!!! Shoes!!”, until I put them back on him again!  It’s pretty hilarious!  Here are the infamous shoes I speak of.


Here’s the Cay-man last night at bedtime.  Can you see the smile on his face?


 He took them with him to nap time today and wore them all evening.  Here he is tonight before bedtime with his pajamas and dress shoes.  A fashion expertice, he is not.


 It will be interesting when he has to wear his tennis shoes to school tomorrow.  We may have to pull the ole’ magical trick of distraction out of the bag.

We got home fairly late today after school, so we decided to do pizza night.  We took plain frozen cheese pizzas and made them personal!  It was fun!  Black olives count as a vegetable right?


Here’s Caleb trying to reach the salt shaker.


Here’s my little angel after I had to move the salt shaker so he didn’t either pour salt all over the place, or drop it and break it.  He cracks me up when he turns on this fake, fake cry.  It lasts about two seconds and he’s off playing and smiling again.  Ok, so maybe five to ten seconds. 


I know it’s been a long time since I’ve blogged, but  life around here is pretty boring, so there hasn’t been much to say.  My days pretty much all go the same, work, home, dinner, dishes, bath, kids in bed, my school work (for UCF).  I try to finish it by 9, sometimes 9:30 or 10 though, watch TV for an hour or two, then to bed.   I get up the next day to do it all again.  I’m taking two classed this semester, one of which is kicking my butt and requires soooo much work. 

So since today’s a holiday – yeah for Columbus Day! – I’ve got some extra time and it’s been sooo nice!  I started the day waking up on the couch where I slept all night, which wasn’t so great.  I love to stay up late when there’s no school the next day.  It’s like a special treat for me to stay up late and sleep in late, but I usually drag myself to bed around 1 or 2 if I fall asleep on the couch.  I woke up every couple of hours and thought, I really need to get up and go to bed, but just didn’t want to wake up and move.  So around 7;30, I went to bed for about an hour until Bradley woke me up at 8:30.  We rushed around to get the kiddos to school by 9:00.  So I dropped both the kiddos off and had three hours completely to myself!  Yeah 🙂  I came home and had a bagel with cream cheese, bacon, and vanilla caramel coffee while I watched an episode of NCIS.  Pamper Pamper Pamper!!  Fun fun fun!!!  I thought NCIS was completely cheesy when I first watched it a few weeks ago, but I watched it because there was nothing else on.  Well now the darn thing has grown on me and I really like it.  USA runs it three or four times a day.

After NCIS and my breakfast, I decided to go for a run.  I debated taking Abby with me.  I used to take her back when I first started running.  I decided to.  Big mistake.  We did about three miles, and the last half mile I practically dragged her.  She was panting so hard and didn’t even want to walk.  I kept cheering her on to keep going.  I was praying the whole time that she wouldn’t pass out on me and drop dead right there.  I wasn’t sure I could carry her 70 some pound body home, so I just kept praying.  We finally made it home and I hosed her down with the garden hose.  It was so stinkin’ hot out there!  96 degrees in October!?  Please?!?!

I took a shower, and by this time it was lunchtime.  I went to pick up Bradley and thought we’d go on a little date just the two of us.  When I picked him up he had just finished eating, so we went out together, but he had ice cream while I ate my lunch.  We had a really nice time, and he said he liked going on a date with me!

Then B and I came home, picked up Abby, and took her up to Petsmart to get her nails trimmed.  There was this crazy pit bull in the store barking and going nuts with an owner who was barely in control of the animal, tugging and jerking the leash, etc.  It was really scary.  I know what it’s like to have a crazy dog on your hands, mine can be pretty nuts, but when it’s a pit bull it’s scary.  Bradley got an education on pit bulls as we navigated the store going around the edges and taking the long way to avoid going anywhere near it.  I know, I know some pit bulls may be really wonderful dogs, I just know when you hear about a dog attack on the news it’s always a pit bull.  And when they attack, it’s not just a bite, it’s a mauling.

So we brought Abby home and Bradley and I went to pick up Caleb.  When we got home, I cleaned house, vaccumed, etc. while the boys played together.   It’s amazing how much energy you have when you don’t wake up at 5 in the morning and you are able to start clearning at 3 in the afternoon, not 8 at night!